"From the download link to my Google Wallet, the card setup took less than 5 minutes."

David Watts
Fleet Product Manager,
VW Financial Services
“Tesla Superchargers – it just gets better. I recommend it for any EV fleets looking to access any charger.”
Alan Akester
“It makes the process of charging so much easier and reduces the admin of getting receipts.”

David Anderson
Bypass issues digital cards for Apple and Google Wallet, ensuring drivers get their card within minutes, not days.
Access cheaper charging and streamline your admin for both Tesla and non-Tesla vehicles.

Eliminate range anxiety and charger coverage concerns. Pay hassle-free at any charger that accepts Visa, including BP Pulse.

Unlike standard credit cards, Bypass is built for EV charging with customisable driver controls and tracking of all your fleet’s usage.

Real time notifications

Instantly cancel cards

Telematics integrations
Ditch receipt chasing. Bypass automates receipt retrieval and simplifies reclaiming 20% VAT.
Same day driver onboarding
Tesla Supercharger integration
Pay at any charger
Control and track EV charging
Simplified VAT invoicing
£0 additional card fees

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Suite 2, Ground Floor Orchard Brae House
30 Queensferry Road
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